Sarah & Jack

Here is another success story of a couple who met on brokerdating. The story is about Sarah and Jack, who matched on the platform, met, and fell in love, eventually getting married. Jack, a business analyst in Atlanta, had chosen to remain single for two years after his previous relationship ended so that he could work on himself before starting a new one. However, he decided to join brokerdating in the fall of 2020 and found Sarah’s profile intriguing, which immediately caught his attention.

Sarah & Jack

They spent a month chatting on brokerdating before meeting in person at a local wine bar, where their casual talk quickly turned into a deeper conversation. They walked around the city, discussing their childhood and family lives, and discovered a strong connection between them. After their first meeting, they were eager to see each other again and started dating exclusively. They introduced each other to their families and quickly fell deeply in love.

Their relationship faced a significant test when Jack’s parents both passed away suddenly after contracting COVID-19. Sarah stood by his side through this traumatic period, providing unwavering support and comfort to him and his sister, who was also grieving. Sarah knew that Jack was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, and their relationship became even stronger as they faced this difficult time together.

On their ten-month anniversary, while attending a local lantern festival, Jack proposed to Sarah by writing his proposal on his lantern, asking her to marry him. Sarah was surprised and overjoyed and immediately said “yes.” As they stood there, hugging and cheering, they heard the song “Stand by Me,” which was Jack’s mother’s favorite, playing in the background. It felt like an indication that Jack’s family was celebrating with them too.

In the end, they got married and continued to support each other through all the tough times. Their love for each other grew and became unbreakable. This story is just another example of how brokerdating can help people find true love and build lasting relationships.

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