Sophie & Ethan

Sophie had spent most of her life in a small town in Kansas, where it was difficult for her to make connections and find romance. She turned to brokerdating as a way to expand her social circle, not expecting to find anything significant. In February 2020, when Sophie was working as a nurse and balancing her responsibilities as a single mom to her four-year-old son Liam, she matched with Ethan.

Sophie & Ethan

“I noticed his great smile right away,” recalls Ethan, a marketing executive. “And Sophie’s photos showed how vibrant and lively she was.” Sophie was drawn to Ethan as well, especially his education and attractiveness, and his description as an avid traveler stood out to her. They started chatting on brokerdating and quickly realized they had a natural chemistry that didn’t require any effort. Soon they were video chatting every day and even watching movies “together” from their homes.

When they finally met in person, shortly before COVID-19 caused widespread shutdowns and quarantines, it felt like they were already old friends. “We went to a nearby park and had a picnic,” Sophie recalls. “It was like we’d known each other forever, like we were just picking up where we left off.” They stayed in touch virtually as the pandemic worsened, still talking every day and laughing constantly.

Eventually, when it was safe to see each other in person, they made up for lost time by spending all their time together. Ethan loved spending time with Sophie’s son Liam, and Liam quickly warmed up to Ethan. “He just has this great way of connecting with people,” says Sophie.

Their relationship grew stronger over the next few months, and they were engaged by the end of the year. The wedding was held at a small ceremony with close family and friends, and they decided to move together to Ethan’s hometown in Colorado. Sophie used brokerdating BFF to make new friends, and before long she had a close circle of friends who had become like family.

Reflecting on the past year, both Sophie and Ethan describe it as a time of growth and bonding, and they are excited to see where their journey together takes them.

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